quinta-feira, novembro 08, 2007

O eterno Friedman

Numa conversa registada a 19 de Outubro de 2005 entre o saudoso Milton Friedman e o governador da reserva federal de Dallas Richard Fisher, Friedman deixou sábias palavras sobre a globalização:

-- On globalization's impact:
" ... it's a curious situation. You read the newspapers and you think
the world is going to hell. You think the economy is doing badly. And
yet, the truth is, that we have never in our history had as productive
an economy as we do now."

-- On China:
"You cannot maintain, in my opinion, today's political structure and
today's economic structure."

-- On government spending:
" ... as government has increased spending, we make ourselves a less
attractive society in which to set up business, in which to run a

-- On Social Security:
"My favorite solution ... would be to give every individual who's in a
Social Security system now -- either as a recipient or as a payer -- a
bond equal to the present value of what they so far have actually
earned and then close the system down."

Friedman faleceu a 16 de Novembro de 2006.

fonte: Bloomberg

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